Wednesday, April 29, 2009

AuthorsIsland Contest - Mary Eason

Can't miss Mary Eason's contest!

Winner will be drawn on May 15th!

Author Mary Eason just joined us here at AuthorIsland and she wants to celebrate by offering up an autographed copy of her romantic comedy THE THINGS YOU THINK YOU WANT to one lucky AuthorIsland reader!

A little tease read: Caterer Carrie Sinclair thinks she has the perfect life and doesn’t need a man to complete it. Her pudgy kitty Max is the man in her life, and that’s enough for her. Then, quite by accident, she comes across the man of her dreams. Tyler Bennedict is perfect boyfriend material: Charming, sweet, rich, and incredibly sexy. No matter that he’s made it clear he’s not looking for a serious relationship. One night in his arms, and all her usual warning bells about men go silent. She should have listened to those bells, and to Aunt Mable. Enter Tyler’s real estate tycoon father, Richard. He makes it relentlessly clear she is not the woman for his son, and comes up with creative ways to keep them apart until Carrie sees the light. In one fell swoop she swears off all men, closes her business, and gets out of Austin. But no matter how far and how fast you run, the unexpected bumps in the road have a way of revealing the truth and turning your life – and your heart – a complete 180.

To enter for your chance to win, head over to Mary’s website Mary Eason and check out her book page to give the titles of her available books.

Email your answers to, along with your name and address. Please put Mary Eason in the subject line. A winner will be drawn on May 15th – Best of luck!!